52歌赋>英语词典>take the stand翻译和用法

take the stand

英 [teɪk ðə stænd]

美 [teɪk ðə stænd]

网络  出庭作证




  • "Take the guesswork out of where you stand," Mathison suggests& again, so you can devote more attention to what matters, which is where you're going next, either at this company or elsewhere.
  • Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it! Stand by that stage, now& let her go!
  • Officer, take this man away from the stand.
  • The history of East Asia determines that we must take the stand of regional system in viewing the south sea issue.
  • If you're going to take up the violin, I suppose we'll have to get you a music stand.
  • Based on the characteristics of stand structure of National Stadium engineering, authors introduce the selection of raw material, mix ratio design of high-fluid concrete, and take some mix ration test, which can guide the stand structure construction of the National Stadium and get good effects.
  • This means that if you take the proper steps in a survival situation, you stand a good chance at living to talk about it.
  • Because walking has to be subtly altered according to the type of surface, the robots have to take the ground on which they stand into account.
  • She was asked to take the witness stand and was then cross-exam-ined by the state attorney.
  • Act on the Important Thought of Three Represents and Take the Firm Cultural Stand; The delegation used Britain as the jumping-off place of their six-nation European tour